

Consultant - UNDP GEF Preparation Grant International: International Wildlife Crime Specialist

Location:     Home Based with Some Travel to Mozambique and Tanzania, MOZAMBIQUE
Application Deadline:    27-Jan-16
Additional Category    Resilience and Climate Change
Type of Contract:    Individual Contract
Post Level:    International Consultant
Languages Required:    English   Portuguese
Starting Date:    (date when the selected candidate is expected to start)    08-Feb-2016
Duration of Initial Contract:    Up to 90 effective working days in 2016
Expected Duration of Assignment:    Up to 90 effective working days in 2016


In mid-2015, the Council for the Global Environment Facility (GEF) approved, as part of its "Programmatic Approach" titled Global Partnership on Wildlife Conservation and Crime Prevention for Sustainable Development, a Child Project Concept for Mozambique with UNDP as the selected GEF agency. The project has the following titles and reference:

UNDP-GEF Project Title

Strengthening the conservation of globally threatened species in Mozambique through improving biodiversity enforcement and expanding community conservancies around protected areas

Reference short title

•    PIMS 5474 Mozambique Conservancies and Wildlife
•    See more information about the GEF’s Programme here:
•    www.thegef.org/gef/project_detail?projID=9071
•    Refer to the approved Child Project Concept for Mozambique here: http://bit.ly/1OnqFjW

The project’s target GEF funding is $15.75M and it has been duly endorsed by the Government of Mozambique, which selected Gorongosa National Park and Niassa Reserve in Mozambique as project implementation sites, in addition to a national capacity building component.

The full project to be developed on the basis of the Child Project Concept is slated to be implemented through a partnership among the National Agency for Conservation Areas (ANAC), the Ministry of Land, the Environment and Rural Development (MITADER), responsible for the national-level activities, and civil society organizations (CSOs) Gorongosa Restoration Project (GRP) and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), which have the respective responsibility for managing the two mentioned protected sites.

The project aims to strengthen the conservation of globally threatened species in Mozambique through implementation of the Conservation Areas Act (Law 16/2014). The project will both improve the enforcement aspect of biodiversity management, in light of the need to comply with CITES (Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora threatened with extinction), and it will contribute to expanding the country's protected areas estate, creating the first community conservancies, while also implementing targeted rural development action.

Project Preparation Process

In order to prepare the required documentation for the final approval of the project, a Project Preparation Grant (PPG) provided by the GEF is being implemented with clear and realistic targets and deliverables.

The GEF submission documentation to be prepared consists of a complete UNDP Project Document (PRODOC) and a CEO Endorsement Request form, to be duly filled in on the basis of the PRODOC, which takes precedence. These two key documents are to be accompanied along with co-financing letters, indicator tracking tools for the applicable GEF focal areas and social-environmental risk screening, using UNDP's methodological procedure.

These documents need to submitted to the GEF no later than December 2016, and hence need to be ready for UNDP’s internal review by end October 2016, after due national validation.

The project responds to national priorities and its PRODOC needs to be prepared in close collaboration with key government partners in several institutions, financing partners, research entities, the private sector and in particular with the CSOs responsible for the management of targeted protected areas.

The project includes the following three components:

    National strategy to promote the value of wildlife and combat illegal wildlife trafficking;
    Strengthening enforcement capacity in key protected areas to combat wildlife crime on the ground; and
    Establishing conservancies to expand PA complexes, bringing sustainable land and forest management benefits, restoring degraded ecosystems and generating livelihoods.

The Child Project Concept received early comments from the GEF Secretariat, while four of the GEF’s Council members, as well as the GEF’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) provide thorough and insightful comments on the Programmatic Approach on Wildlife Crime. These comments, together with comments from the GEF Secretariat need to be addressed during the project preparation phase and this needs to be reflected in the final documentation. They are included in the annex to the TOR:

All PPG consultants share the responsibility of mobilizing co-financing and forging partnerships useful for the project. They are expected to work as a team to implement the following activities:

•    PPG Activity 1) National level assessments and planning of the “National Strategy” response to the Poaching and International Wildlife Trafficking (IWT) crisis;
•    PPG Activity 2) Site level assessments for enforcement strengthening and conservancies development planning;
•     PPG Activity 3) Assess baseline investment,  project risk, develop the strategy, budget and consolidate the project documentation for submission.

These PPG Activities are described in detail in in the annex to the TOR: http://bit.ly/1Nrvyb6

The PPG phase will be implemented between January and December 2016. Consultants are expected to start work in February 2016 and follow a detailed chronogram, on the basis of a general one contained in the annex to the TOR: http://bit.ly/1Nrvyb6

The final deadline for delivering the complete and finalized UNDP-GEF documentation for the internal review by government, partners and UNDP is 31 October 2016. This deadline is non-negotiable.

Duties and Responsibilities

•    Function as the expert advisor in all matters pertaining to wildlife crime, working in close collaboration with the respective national and international Team Leaders in Mozambique and Tanzania, with the main goals of ensuring that stat of the art knowledge and science on wildlife crime is included in the overall GEF documentation, with the help of the remainder of the multi-disciplinary teams in each country.
•    Lead the implementation of the following PPG Activities for the Mozambique PRODOC:
•    Review and preparation of a National Strategy to address the wildlife crime crisis in Mozambique with capacity needs assessed;
•    Review of current means and modes of cross-border collaboration with respect to wildlife crime;
•    Ranger training strategy review and development;
•    Work in close collaboration with protected area managing partners, namely Gorongosa Restoration Project (GRP) and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), to identify activities and site-level investments to realize the main goal of the project’s Component 2 pertaining to enforcement, including a review of current capacity and gaps in management effectiveness, operations and infrastructure to combat poaching and other illegal activities;
•    Analyze current linkages between site-level poaching and wildlife crime networks, and between site-level enforcement/arrests, and the criminal justice system in Mozambique in both target landscapes.
•    Co-lead, together with other PPG consultants, the implementation of the following PPG Activities for the Mozambique
•    General review of baseline policies, legislation and practices relevant to the IWT crisis in Mozambique and further development of the project barriers and alternative, taking STAP comments into account;
•    Develop detailed activities and budgets to the implemented in the FSP under PRODOC Outputs 2.1, 2.2 and under all Outputs of Component 3.
•    Support other PPG consultants with the implementation of the following PPG Activities for the Mozambique PRODOC:
•    PPG Inception workshop;
•    Assess the extent to which there is scope for development of conservancies within the Niassa landscape and the implications for the project’s Component 3– if yes, activity 2.1-d will also apply to Niassa;
•    Independently carry out, to the extent possible, community consultations in the proposed conservancies, carefully planning logistics and relying on local knowledge and expertise, in close collaboration with GRP and WCS;
•    Compose relevant and required chapters in the PRODOC for national validation;
•    PRODOC Validation Workshop;
•    Completion of project documentation in view of submission to the GEF.

Lead, co-Lead and support other PPG Consultants with a similar set of activities for the Tanzania PRODOC.

Key Products / Deliverables for both the Mozambique and Tanzania PRODOCs respectively:
Specific tasks for the incumbent, which may or may not be explicitly mentioned above, also include:

Under PPG Activity 1.2:

•    Quick and critical review of existing ‘national strategies’ (written and unwritten), or the general ‘national response’, aimed at tackling wildlife crime in Mozambique (e.g. the establishment of an environmental police force and of an inter-ministerial task force, the role of the Fiscalização unit within ANAC, the National Ivory Action Plan under CITES);
•    Completion of a National Assessment using Wildlife and Forestry Crime Analytic Toolkit developed by the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC);
•    Inspired by the experience in Tanzania and in other countries, preparation of a ‘National Strategy’ (or national response) to combat poaching and the illegal trade in wildlife products, with defined objectives, components, outputs and key roles for government and non-governmental actors;
•    Needs assessments (with focus on equipment, technical capacity, internal organization and technical assistance) with respect to key institutions responsible for implementing the ‘National Strategy’ (excluding ranger training, which is addressed separately);
•    High level consultations on the adequacy and feasibility of the ‘National Strategy’;
•    Development of the TOR for the establishment of closed wildlife crime intelligence unit, as a key input to PRODOC Output 1.1.

Under PPG Activity 1.3

•    Consultation among government counterparts in Tanzania and Mozambique for improved cross-border collaboration with respect to wildlife crime
•    Development and costing of key project activities that will focus on the implementation of both the cross-border collaboration (emphasis will be put in the Niassa-Selous area) and wider international collaboration for achieving results in the fight against wildlife crime, as key inputs into PRODOC Outputs 1.1 and 2.2.

Under PPG Activity 1.4:

•    Review of the national ranger career, ranger field deployment and the adequacy of current practices for facing the IWT crisis in Mozambique;
•    Identification of ranger training needs across the country;
•    Outline on the steps needed, including the likely costs, timeframes and desired partnerships, for realizing a long-term vision for standardizing the ranger career, developing a suitable training curriculum, and possibly also with the specialized school;
•    Development of activities in the project aimed at improving ranger capacity, in particular on what is incrementally needed for addressing the IWT crisis in Mozambique, as a key input to PRODOC Output 1.2.

Other tasks will include:

•    Assist with mobilizing international co-financing for the project;
•    Proposing partnerships with CSOs, research centers or private sector partners with an interest in the multi-focal area approach and related themes.


Specific Deliverables for which the incumbent will have lead responsibility include the following to be delivered in English, ready to be translated into Portuguese:

Deliverable 1):

•    National ICCWC Assessment Report
•    To be delivered by 25 Apr 2016

Deliverable 2)

•    A ‘National Strategy’ (or national response) for Mozambique for combating poaching and the illegal trade in wildlife products;
•     A needs assessments for implementing the strategy.
•    To be delivered as drafts for national consultation by 31 Jul 2016.

Deliverable 3):

•    TOR for the establishment of closed wildlife crime intelligence unit;
•    Refinement and final versions of deliverables in 2a and 2b;
•    A costed description of activities that will strengthen the cross-border collaboration between Mozambique and Tanzania.

To be delivered by 31 Oct 2016

Note on missions

The assignment will include at least two missions to Mozambique, including meetings in Maputo (1-2 week in total) and visits to some of the project sites (lasting normally 2-2.5 weeks). A third mission will be deemed necessary, as the PPG progresses.

Indicatively, the missions will take place as follows (noting some flexibility on dates, but summing maximum 6 weeks):

•    1st mission, with 2-3 weeks duration: arriving prior to working week starting on 22 Feb 2015;
•    2nd mission, with 2-3 weeks duration: in Jun 2016 (exact working weeks to be defined);
•    Optionally a 3rd mission, with 1 week duration: in Sep 2016, in connection with the Validation Workshop (exact working weeks to be defined).

The scheduling of travel dates should reflect an attempt to maximize the number of week days in the country.

Proposed schedule of fee payments:

•    Contract signature: 10%;
•    02 Mar 2016, upon clearance of deliverables #1: 45%;
•    15 Aug 2016, upon clearance of deliverables #2: 25%;
•    Final payment expected by 10 Dec 2016, upon clearance of complete CEO Endorsement documentation (deliverables #3) – it may however take longer if there are pending deliverables: 20%.


•    Promoting ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents;
•    Building support and political acumen;
•    Building staff competence, creating an environment of creativity and innovation;
•    Building and promoting effective teams;
•    Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication;
•    Leverages multi-disciplinary, institutional knowledge and experience;
•    Creates and cultivates networks of partners to promote UNDP’s image;
•    Performed analysis of political situations and scenarios, and contributes to the formulation of institutional responses;
•    Leverages different experiences and expertise of team members to achieve better and more innovative outcomes;
•    Strong analytical and writing skills;
•    Ability to communicate effectively in order to communicate complex, technical information to both technical and general audiences;
•    Skills in negotiating effectively in sensitive situations;
•    Skills in achieving results through persuading, influencing and working with others;
•    Skills in facilitating meetings effectively and efficiently and to resolve conflicts as they arise.

Required Skills and Experience


•    Master degree in a relevant field such as law, economics, management, or even in ecology (as long as relevant for the sought; specialty in wildlife crime) and with professional specialization in issues of wildlife crime. (max. 10 pts).


•    At least 12 years of overall professional experience, with incremental responsibilities. (max. 10 pts);
•    At least 5 years of experience with and in-depth knowledge of wildlife crime issues at the international sphere is an eliminatory requirement. (max. 10 pts);
•    Demonstrated track record in the preparation of documents, project proposals, targeted reports and, preferably also, publications within the theme of wildlife crime, is a highly sought qualification for this position. (max. 25 pts);
•    Specific experience with dealing with wildlife crime issues, fighting poaching in protected areas or working with ranger training and a demonstrated track record of applying feasible solution to these issues, is a highly sought qualification for this position in, preferably with experience from Africa or Asia, or both. (max. 20 pts);
•    Knowledge of environmental issues, policies and programs in Southern Africa is preferred, but not required. (max. 10 pts)


•    Excellent mastery of written English is an eliminatory requirement. (max. 10 pts);
•    Minimal working level of Portuguese or of other UN language (particularly, Spanish or French) is a plus. (max. 5 pts)

Profile required (max 100 points in total)

Application Submission Process

•    Submission must be online following the instruction given on the website. Please submit the following to demonstrate your interest and qualifications. Please note that all the documents below must be submitted as one PDF file.
•    P11 (required), indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the candidate and at least three (3) professional references;
•    Personal CV (optional);
•    Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided [see link further down];
•    Financial proposal (All-inclusive daily fee): Interested individuals are kindly requested to submit an all-inclusive daily consultancy fee.
•    Travel: All envisaged international travel costs must be included in the financial proposal in a separate line, though not the cost of in-land travel, which will be handled directly by the UNDP Country Office.

Application Evaluation Process

•    Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the Cumulative Analysis methodology [weighted scoring method], where the award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
•    Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and
•    Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

Technical Criteria weight; [70%]
Financial Criteria weight; [30%]

•    Only Individual Consultants obtaining a minimum of 70% of the obtainable 100 points in technical evaluation would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
•    Technical Evaluation Criteria
•    Adequacy of Profile (Max 100 points)
•    General Conditions of Contract for the ICs:http://www.undp.org/content/dam/undp/documents/procurement/documents/IC%20-%20General%20Conditions.pdf
•    UNDP Personal History form (P11) required of all applicants:
•    http://www.undp.org/content/dam/undp/library/corporate/Careers/P11_Personal_history_form.doc
Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability:

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Job Title: Referral and Linkages Coordinator
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Posting Date: 01/06/2016
Deadline Date: 01/15/2016

The Community Health and Social Welfare Systems Strengthening Program (CHSSP) is a five-year PEPFAR/USAID funded cooperative agreement led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. with consortium partners Initiatives Inc. and World Education Inc/Batwana. The program will be implemented in 18 regions of Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar. CHSSP aims to contribute to PEPFAR 3.0 goal of HIV epidemic control by 2020 by supporting the systems strengthening priorities set by the Government of Tanzania (GOT) for health and social welfare services toward improving health, wellbeing and protection outcomes for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW), Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) People Living with HIV/AIDs (PLHIV), as well as key populations including Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM), Female Sex Workers (FSW), and People Who Inject Drugs (PWID).

The guiding principles of CHSSP are to promote gender equality, increase efficiencies in the use of resources, expand impact and sustainability, and increase accountability.

The Referral and Linkages Coordinator is a full-time position based in the CHSSP regional offices in Dar es Salaam, Mbeya, Njombe, and Mwanza. Reporting to the Regional Director, the Referrals and Linkages Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the smooth implementation of the social welfare referral and linkages model.

Please send applications to: job@worlded.co.tz
• Under the guidance of the Regional Director, coordinate closely with the other members of the regional team of the project to maximize integration and synergies of the objectives and strategies of CHSSP to ensure an integrated approach to implementation among consortium partners:;
• Organize Community sensitization meetings to introduce the referral system to LGAs at all levels (district, ward, community);
• Conduct a Training of Trainers for the MVC implementing partner operating in that district that will support the referral system;
• Conduct a training for relevant LGA stakeholders on the referral system, supporting the MVC implementing partner who will conduct the training for the relevant community structures and human resources (for example MVCCs, CPTs, MACs, PSWs, and CHW where they exist).
• Conduct a training workshop for the community cadres (equipping the relevant community structures with the necessary work tools will also be incorporated in the training).
• Monitor and review the performance of the system in the pilot district, and recommend adjustments
• Conduct regular supportive supervision visits to LGAs, SWOs, PSWs, and MVCCs to monitor referrals and linkages
• Compile monthly reports on referrals and linkages
• Ensure timely and qualitative contributions for all necessary reports and especially quarterly reports, and semi and annual reports.
• Have at least 5 years’ experience designing and implementing community social welfare and systems strengthening programs;
• Have demonstrated experience in community based programming in the MVC sector in Tanzania;
• Have proven capacity to forge strong partnerships and build the capacity of regional and district level decision makers;
• Hold a degree, advance diploma in Social Work; Master’s degree or Post Graduate Diploma in related fields will be an added advantage.
• Have demonstrated experience in providing quality technical assistance to government and civil society entities, especially at district, ward, and village levels;
• Have demonstrated experience in liaising effectively and managing participatory processes with a range of local government and civil society stakeholders especially at district, ward, and village levels;
• Creative and capable of working independently and as part of a multidisciplinary team;
• Fluent speaking and writing in English and Kiswahili and able to produce quality products in English such as progress reports, presentations, program briefs, and case studies;
• Excellent interpersonal and management skills

Salary commensurate with experience.

Interested candidates should submit their resumes and cover letters online by 01/15/2016.

No phone calls please.
Principals only please.

World Education is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer committed to workplace diversity. We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all qualified applicants and employees without regard to age, race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, gender, disability, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual preference, genetic information, political affiliation, or protected veteran status in any employment decisions. M/F/V/D

If you are an individual with a disability, or a disabled veteran and unable to apply online for an available position, you may submit your request for reasonable accommodation by calling Human Resources at 617-482-9485.

Please read this notice entitled Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law.

Job Title: Referral and Linkages Coordinator
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Posting Date: 01/06/2016
Deadline Date: 01/15/2016

The Community Health and Social Welfare Systems Strengthening Program (CHSSP) is a five-year PEPFAR/USAID funded cooperative agreement led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. with consortium partners Initiatives Inc. and World Education Inc/Batwana. The program will be implemented in 18 regions of Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar. CHSSP aims to contribute to PEPFAR 3.0 goal of HIV epidemic control by 2020 by supporting the systems strengthening priorities set by the Government of Tanzania (GOT) for health and social welfare services toward improving health, wellbeing and protection outcomes for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW), Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) People Living with HIV/AIDs (PLHIV), as well as key populations including Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM), Female Sex Workers (FSW), and People Who Inject Drugs (PWID).

The guiding principles of CHSSP are to promote gender equality, increase efficiencies in the use of resources, expand impact and sustainability, and increase accountability.

The Referral and Linkages Coordinator is a full-time position based in the CHSSP regional offices in Dar es Salaam, Mbeya, Njombe, and Mwanza. Reporting to the Regional Director, the Referrals and Linkages Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the smooth implementation of the social welfare referral and linkages model.

Please send applications to: job@worlded.co.tz
• Under the guidance of the Regional Director, coordinate closely with the other members of the regional team of the project to maximize integration and synergies of the objectives and strategies of CHSSP to ensure an integrated approach to implementation among consortium partners:;
• Organize Community sensitization meetings to introduce the referral system to LGAs at all levels (district, ward, community);
• Conduct a Training of Trainers for the MVC implementing partner operating in that district that will support the referral system;
• Conduct a training for relevant LGA stakeholders on the referral system, supporting the MVC implementing partner who will conduct the training for the relevant community structures and human resources (for example MVCCs, CPTs, MACs, PSWs, and CHW where they exist).
• Conduct a training workshop for the community cadres (equipping the relevant community structures with the necessary work tools will also be incorporated in the training).
• Monitor and review the performance of the system in the pilot district, and recommend adjustments
• Conduct regular supportive supervision visits to LGAs, SWOs, PSWs, and MVCCs to monitor referrals and linkages
• Compile monthly reports on referrals and linkages
• Ensure timely and qualitative contributions for all necessary reports and especially quarterly reports, and semi and annual reports.
• Have at least 5 years’ experience designing and implementing community social welfare and systems strengthening programs;
• Have demonstrated experience in community based programming in the MVC sector in Tanzania;
• Have proven capacity to forge strong partnerships and build the capacity of regional and district level decision makers;
• Hold a degree, advance diploma in Social Work; Master’s degree or Post Graduate Diploma in related fields will be an added advantage.
• Have demonstrated experience in providing quality technical assistance to government and civil society entities, especially at district, ward, and village levels;
• Have demonstrated experience in liaising effectively and managing participatory processes with a range of local government and civil society stakeholders especially at district, ward, and village levels;
• Creative and capable of working independently and as part of a multidisciplinary team;
• Fluent speaking and writing in English and Kiswahili and able to produce quality products in English such as progress reports, presentations, program briefs, and case studies;
• Excellent interpersonal and management skills

Salary commensurate with experience.

Interested candidates should submit their resumes and cover letters online by 01/15/2016.

No phone calls please.
Principals only please.

World Education is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer committed to workplace diversity. We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all qualified applicants and employees without regard to age, race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, gender, disability, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual preference, genetic information, political affiliation, or protected veteran status in any employment decisions. M/F/V/D

If you are an individual with a disability, or a disabled veteran and unable to apply online for an available position, you may submit your request for reasonable accommodation by calling Human Resources at 617-482-9485.

Please read this notice entitled Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law.

Job Title: Regional Social Welfare and Protection Coordinator
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Posting Date: 01/06/2016
Deadline Date: 01/15/2016

The Community Health and Social Welfare Systems Strengthening Program (CHSSP) is a five-year PEPFAR/USAID funded cooperative agreement led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. with consortium partners Initiatives Inc. and World Education Inc/Batwana. The program will be implemented in 18 regions of Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar. CHSSP aims to contribute to PEPFAR 3.0 goal of HIV epidemic control by 2020 by supporting the systems strengthening priorities set by the Government of Tanzania (GOT) for health and social welfare services toward improving health, wellbeing and protection outcomes for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW), Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) People Living with HIV/AIDs (PLHIV), as well as key populations including Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM), Female Sex Workers (FSW), and People Who Inject Drugs (PWID).

The guiding principles of CHSSP are to promote gender equality, increase efficiencies in the use of resources, expand impact and sustainability, and increase accountability.

The Regional Social Welfare and Protection Coordinator is a full-time position based in the CHSS regional offices in Dar es Salaam, Mbeya, Njombe, and Mwanza. Reporting to the Regional Director, the Regional Social Welfare and Protection Coordinator is responsible for supporting deliverables under the following strategies:

• Strategy2.3. Strengthen professional social welfare workforce

• Strategy 2.4. Expand Para-Social Worker model

Please send applications to: job@worlded.co.tz

• Under the guidance of the Regional Director, coordinate closely with the other members of the regional team of the project to maximize integration and synergies of the objectives and strategies of CHSSP to ensure an integrated approach to implementation among consortium partners:
• Build and maintain strong, collaborative working relationships with regional and district level social welfare and protection government stakeholders including LGAs and CSOs;
• Ensure dissemination of all relevant social welfare and protection policies to regional, district, ward, and village/mitaa stakeholders. This should entail a range of methods including but not limited to: ToT cascade training workshops, direct training workshops, orientation sessions, community awareness raising, etc…
• Organize, support, and co-facilitate ToT for rollout of revised Para-Social Worker model
• Conduct regular support supervision visits to monitor progress rollout of Para-Social Worker model;
• Document successes and challenges related to rollout of Para-Social Worker Model;
• Ensure timely and qualitative contributions for all necessary reports and especially quarterly reports, and semi and annual reports.
• Have at least 5 years’ experience implementing community social welfare, systems strengthening, or social welfare workforce strengthening programs;
• Have demonstrated experience in community based programming in the MVC sector in Tanzania;
• Demonstrated ability to liaise effectively with key decision makers in social welfare and protection at district, ward, and village levels;
• Hold a degree, advance diploma in Social Work; Master’s degree or Post Graduate Diploma in related fields will be an added advantage Creative and capable of working independently and as part of a multisectoral team
• Have demonstrated experience in providing quality technical assistance to government and civil society entities, especially at district, ward, and village levels;
• Have demonstrated experience in liaising effectively and managing participatory processes with a range of local government and civil society stakeholders especially at district, ward, and village levels;
• Creative and capable of working independently and as part of a multidisciplinary team;
• Fluent speaking and writing in English and Kiswahili and able to produce quality products in English such as progress reports, presentations, program briefs, and case studies;
• Excellent interpersonal and management skills

Salary commensurate with experience.

Interested candidates should submit their resumes and cover letters online by 01/15/2016.

No phone calls please.
Principals only please.

World Education is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer committed to workplace diversity. We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all qualified applicants and employees without regard to age, race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, gender, disability, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual preference, genetic information, political affiliation, or protected veteran status in any employment decisions. M/F/V/D

If you are an individual with a disability, or a disabled veteran and unable to apply online for an available position, you may submit your request for reasonable accommodation by calling Human Resources at 617-482-9485.

Please read this notice entitled Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law.

Job Title: Social Welfare and Protection Advisor
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Posting Date: 01/04/2016
Deadline Date: 01/15/2016

he Community Health and Social Welfare Systems Strengthening Program (CHSSP) is a five-year PEPFAR/USAID funded cooperative agreement led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. with consortium partners Initiatives Inc. and World Education Inc/Bantwana. The program will be implemented in 18 regions of Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar. CHSSP aims to contribute to PEPFAR 3.0 goal of HIV epidemic control by 2020 by supporting the systems strengthening priorities set by the Government of Tanzania (GOT) for health and social welfare services toward improving health, wellbeing and protection outcomes for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW), Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) People Living with HIV/AIDs (PLHIV), as well as key populations including Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM), Female Sex Workers (FSW), and People Who Inject Drugs (PWID).

The guiding principles of CHSSP are to promote gender equality, increase efficiencies in the use of resources, expand impact and sustainability, and increase accountability.

Job Summary
The Social Welfare and Protection Advisor is a full-time position based in the CHSSP headquarters office in Dar es Salaam. The Social Welfare and Protection Advisor is a member of the Technical Team of the project and reports to the CHSSP Technical Director. This position is the technical lead for social welfare and protection deliverables.

The position supervises the Social Welfare Officer and the National Case Management Officer.

Please send applications to job@worlded.co.tz
• Under the guidance of the Technical Director, coordinate closely with the other members of the Technical Team of the project to maximize integration and synergies of the objectives and strategies of CHSSP to ensure an integrated approach to implementation among consortium partners;
• Provide timely and quality updates to the Technical Director and the Technical Team on the status of development and implementation of relevant strategies, priorities and work planning initiatives for social welfare and protection;
• Coordinate closely with the Regional Technical Advisor (responsible for overall management and technical support to the project’s Regional Offices) to engage the project’s Regional Offices in the development of relevant program strategies, priorities and work planning initiatives for social welfare and protection;
• Coordinate closely with the Regional Technical Advisor in order to ensure timely provision of technical assistance and guidance to the Regional Offices for implementation of relevant activities;
• Coordinate closely with CHSSP’s Gender Advisor to ensure that gender concerns are addressed in the work of CHSSP to strengthen social welfare structures and systems including possible integration of actions to advance gender equality and engagement of women and other social groups in planning and decision-making processes for resource allocation for social welfare services for priority and key populations;
• Ensure timely and qualitative contributions to the Technical Team for all necessary reports and especially quarterly reports, and semi and annual reports.
• Build and maintain strong, collaborative working relationships with social welfare and protection government stakeholders in ministries and national institutes, including the Department of Social Welfare, Prime-Ministers’ Office Regional Administration and Local Government, Institute of Social Work, and Ministry of Community Development Children and Gender;
• Keep up to date with all developments in Government related to social welfare and protection;
• Ensure all CHSSP social welfare and protection systems strengthening efforts are aligned with PEPFAR 3.0 and the GOT’s national policies;
• Facilitate development of strategy, priorities and work planning initiatives for social welfare and protection;
• Provide leadership and technical expertise in organizing and facilitating technical policy discussions among national policy-makers to address contradictions between policies and/or obstacles to enforcement of social welfare and protection policies;
• Develop and implement a strategy to ensure active participation, regular meetings, relevant technical agendas, and adequate documentation for MVC Implementing Partners Group and Social Welfare and Protection Technical Working Group;
• Work collaboratively with relevant social welfare policy documents. This includes but is not limited to: Social Welfare Policy; MVCC National Guidelines; National Parenting/Caretaking Training Materials; Guidelines for the Early Identification of Children with Disabilities; National Costed Plan of Action for MVC III;
• Develop and implement a plan to work collaboratively with relevant technical ministries to create user friendly “social welfare job aids” that simplify national policy documents in and explain in plain language the roles and responsibilities of LGAs at district, ward, and village/mitaa level in enforcing these policies;
• Lead CHSSP efforts to collaborate with ISW, DSW, and other international partners to expand the Para-Social Worker model;
• Support and build the capacity of national professional associations of Social Workers (Council of Social Workers, TASW)
• Have at least 10 years’ experience designing and implementing community social welfare and systems strengthening programs;
• Have demonstrated experience in community based programming in the MVC sector in Tanzania;
• Have proven capacity to build strong partnerships with senior decision makers in key Ministries and national institutions (MOHSW, DSW, PMO-RALG, ISW);
• Proven ability to provide leadership to national task force and technical working groups in the areas of social welfare and social protection, MVC, etc…;
• Hold a Master’s degree or post graduate diploma in Social Work, or other relevant social science degree;
• Creative and capable of working independently and as part of a multisectoral team;
• Have demonstrated experience in providing quality technical assistance to government and civil society entities, especially at district, ward, and village levels;
• Have demonstrated experience in liaising effectively and managing participatory processes with a range of local government and civil society stakeholders especially at district, ward, and village levels;
• Fluent speaking and writing in English and Kiswahili and able to produce quality products in English such as progress reports, presentations, program briefs, and case studies;
• Excellent interpersonal and management skills

Salary commensurate with experience.

Interested candidates should submit their resumes and cover letters online by 01/15/2016.

No phone calls please.
Principals only please.

World Education is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer committed to workplace diversity. We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all qualified applicants and employees without regard to age, race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, gender, disability, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual preference, genetic information, political affiliation, or protected veteran status in any employment decisions. M/F/V/D

If you are an individual with a disability, or a disabled veteran and unable to apply online for an available position, you may submit your request for reasonable accommodation by calling Human Resources at 617-482-9485.

Please read this notice entitled Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law.

Job Title: Social Welfare Officer
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Posting Date: 12/30/2015
Deadline Date: 01/15/2016

The Community Health and Social Welfare Systems Strengthening Program (CHSSP) is a five-year PEPFAR/USAID funded cooperative agreement led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. with consortium partners Initiatives Inc. and World Education Inc/Batwana. The program will be implemented in 18 regions of Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar. CHSSP aims to contribute to PEPFAR 3.0 goal of HIV epidemic control by 2020 by supporting the systems strengthening priorities set by the Government of Tanzania (GOT) for health and social welfare services toward improving health, wellbeing and protection outcomes for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW), Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) People Living with HIV/AIDs (PLHIV), as well as key populations including Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM), Female Sex Workers (FSW), and People Who Inject Drugs (PWID).

The guiding principles of CHSSP are to promote gender equality, increase efficiencies in the use of resources, expand impact and sustainability, and increase accountability.

The Social Welfare and Protection Officer is a full-time position based in the CHSSP headquarters office in Dar es Salaam and is a member of the project’s Technical Team.

Please send applications to: job@worlded.co.tz
• Under the guidance of the Social Welfare and Protection Advisor, coordinate closely with the other members of the Technical Team of the project to maximize integration and synergies of the objectives and strategies of CHSSP to ensure an integrated approach to implementation among consortium partners;
• Provide support, coordination, and technical contributions to ensure active participation, regular meetings, relevant technical agendas, and adequate documentation for MVC Implementing Partners Group and Social Welfare and Protection Technical Working Group;
• Support, coordinate, and contribute to participatory revision processes for key social welfare policy documents. This includes but is not limited to: Social Welfare Policy; MVCC National Guidelines; National Parenting/Caretaking Training Materials; Guidelines for the Early Identification of Children with Disabilities; National Costed Plan of Action for MVC III;
• Coordinate and provide technical input to process to create user friendly “social welfare job aids” that simplify national policy documents in and explain in plain language the roles and responsibilities of LGAs at district, ward, and village/mitaa level in enforcing these policies;
• Update social welfare job aids periodically as new policies and guidelines are developed;
• Develop and execute a plan for the dissemination of social welfare policies and social welfare job aids to district, ward, and village/mitaa levels;
• Coordinate capacity building support for national social welfare associations and regulatory such as the Council of Social Workers, TASWO, and ASWOT;
• Liaise with ISW to provide support, coordination, and technical input to process of revising Para-Social Worker model;
• Support all aspects of the roll out of the Para-Social Worker model, including organizing and facilitating Training of Trainers workshops, conducting supportive supervision visits, documenting successes and challenges of rollout, and organizing lessons learned fora on contributions of Para-Social Worker model to HIV epidemic control;
• Coordinate closely with the Social Welfare and Protection Advisor, the Regional Technical Advisor, and with other members of the Technical Team in order to ensure timely provision of technical assistance and guidance to the Regional Offices for implementation of relevant activities;
• Ensure timely and qualitative contributions to the Technical Team for all necessary reports and especially quarterly reports, and semi and annual reports.
• Have at least 7 years’ experience designing and implementing community social welfare, systems strengthening, or social welfare workforce strengthening programs;
• Have demonstrated experience in community based programming in the MVC sector in Tanzania;
• Have proven capacity to build strong partnerships with senior decision makers in key Ministries and national institutions (MOHSW, DSW, PMO-RALG, ISW);
• Demonstrated ability to liaise effectively with key decision makers in social welfare and protection at national level;
• Hold a degree, advance diploma in Social Work. Master’s degree or Post Graduate Diploma in related fields will be an added advantage;
• Have demonstrated experience in providing quality technical assistance to government and civil society entities, especially at district, ward, and village levels;
• Have demonstrated experience in liaising effectively and managing participatory processes with a range of local government and civil society stakeholders especially at district, ward, and village levels;
• Creative and capable of working independently and as part of a multidisciplinary team;
• Fluent speaking and writing in English and Kiswahili and able to produce quality products in English such as progress reports, presentations, program briefs, and case studies;
• Excellent interpersonal and management skills

Salary commensurate with experience.

Interested candidates should submit their resumes and cover letters online by 01/15/2016.

No phone calls please.
Principals only please.

World Education is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer committed to workplace diversity. We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all qualified applicants and employees without regard to age, race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, gender, disability, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual preference, genetic information, political affiliation, or protected veteran status in any employment decisions. M/F/V/D

If you are an individual with a disability, or a disabled veteran and unable to apply online for an available position, you may submit your request for reasonable accommodation by calling Human Resources at 617-482-9485.

Please read this notice entitled Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law.

Page 2 of 2
St. Joseph University in Tanzania is a renowned' University in the Country; committed to provide Quality , Education to the youth of Tanzania. The University focuses on development of Tanzania Youth to meet the challenges emerging in the International employment market. The University is having Colleges at
1. St. Joseph University College of Engineering and Technology, Dar es salaam
2. St. Joseph University College of Information Technology; Songea
3. St. Joseph University College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Songea
4. St. Joseph University College of Management and Finance, Makambako
5. St. Joseph University, Arusha Campus
6. St. Joseph University College of Health Sciences, Dar' es Salaam

The University is looking for the following personnel to meet its expansion programmes .' Position .

Job Title: Professors
(Engineering/Agriculture Sciences/Science/Management Science/Education/ Accounts)Dar Es Salaam, Songea, Arusha

•    Masters with PhD in the concerned programme


•    At least three years at Associate Professor Level plus six peer reviewed publications (OR)
•    Expert from Industry/ Labor Market with at least twenty years of experience preferably in research/consultancy with fifteen peer reviewed publications,

Duties and responsibilities

•    Review methodology, content and quality of academic programmes and Preparing, delivering and administering the curriculum.
•    Preparing and publishing technical papers and books in relevant fields.
•    Providing academic counsel and guidance to staff and students on all aspects of teaching and learning processes;
•    Being responsible for promotion of maintenance of effective teaching, research, consultancies and community services

Emoluments -Tsh 4.0 million + other benefits


Job Title: Associate Professors
(Engineering/Agriculture Sciences/Sciences/Sciences/Management Science/Education Accounts)
Dar es Salaam, Songea and Arusha

•    Masters with PhD in the, concerned Programme.


•    At least three years at Senior Lecturer level plus five peer reviewed publications (OR)
•    Expert from Industry/Labor market with at least twenty years experience, or at least ten years experience preferably in research/consultancy with Doctoral
•    Degree with tenpeers reviewed publication.

Duties and Responsibilities
•    Review methodology, content and quality of academic programmes and Preparing, delivering and administering the curriculum.
•    Preparing and publishing technical papers and books in relevant fields.
•    Providing academic counsel and guidance to staff and students on all aspects of teaching and learning processes.
•    Being responsible for 'promotion of maintenance of effective teaching, research, consultancies and community services Performing any other duties as assigned by the authorities.

Emoluments -Tsh 3.2 million + other benefits

Job Title: Assistant Lecturers
For Engineering, Education, Agriculture department! Medical & Nursing an
Post-Graduate Programmes (MEM & MBA)

•    Minimum PG degree in the relevant 'field


•    A minimum of 3 years experience in the department of quality Assurance Teaching

•    Should have working knowledge related to quality assurance. ,

•    Will involve in monitoring delivery of curriculum, attendance, performance evaluation, assessment, training programmes, projects, feedback from student and parents, staff requirements, infrastructure requirements

Emoluments - Tsh 1.6 million + other benefits

How to Apply

For all the posts the candidates should be:
b) Computer literate.
c) Conversant with both English and Kiswahili and ability to Vl!ork in multicultural society Independently


St. Joseph University in Tanzania is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to meritorious candidates and not based on Tribe/religion/sex or race
Interested candidates who possess the required qualifications apply with details CV and Photograph within next 15 days
The Registrar
St. Joseph University in Tanzania
P.O BOX 11007
Plot No. 113, Kibamba "B" MbeziLuguruni,

Source: The Guardian 11th January, 2016