The 11 Most Quotable Movies Ever


"Snakes on a Plane"

"Snakes on a Plane"

This 2006 thriller was based on the absurd premise of poisonous snakes attacking passengers on a long airplane flight. Yes, the title says it all. Still, "Snakes on a Plane" gave us some of the most enjoyable movie quotes, such as the character Neville Flynn saying sarcastically, "Well, that's good news. Snakes on crack." When Ken tosses a snake that's been after him into a microwave oven, he shouts more or less what the audience is thinking, "Who's your daddy now?"
"Scott Pilgrim vs. the World"

"Scott Pilgrim vs. the World"

Even the ordinary conversations in "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" produced memorable quotes, from Scott's indignation when he hears that bread makes people fat, to his gay friend Wallace saying, "I didn't write the gay handbook. If you got a problem with it, take it up with Libarace's ghost." The best, however, is every time Kim Pine shouts out the name of their band. "We are Sex Bob-Omb!"
"Raiders of the Lost Ark"

"Raiders of the Lost Ark"

When it comes to heroic quotes, Indiana Jones has the likes of anyone played by Schwarzenegger or Stallone beat. Even when Jones shows his vulnerability with lines like "Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?" we still perceive him as in control. Perhaps his best line is delivered to the villainous Belloq, however, when he tells him, "You want to talk to God? Let's go see him together. I've got nothing better to do."
"Mean Girls"

"Mean Girls"

"Mean Girls," a Tina Fey film about how vicious girls can be in high school, has quotes for just about any situation. Picking up a friend? "Get in loser, we're going shopping." Trouble remembering words? "It's like I have ESPN or something." Don't quite understand cause and effect? "I don't hate you cuz yo' fat... yo' fat coz I hate you!" Going on a serious diet? "I wanna lose three pounds." To those who don't know the film, you won't sound too bright, but to those who do, you just might come off as hilarious.


If you hunt actual ghosts for a living, you probably need a sense of humor. The best lines in this film go to Ghostbuster Peter Venkman, played by Bill Murray. When he learns that the ghost hunting equipment can destroy the Earth, he calmly states, "All right. Important safety tip. Thanks, Egon." The quote that gets remembered most is delivered by Ernie Hudson as Winston Zeddemore, who reminds his team mates, "When someone asks you if you're a god, you say 'YES!'"
"The Godfather"

"The Godfather"

"The Godfather" will make you think about the nature of crime and power, if nothing else. "My father is no different than any powerful man ... like a president or senator," says Michael Corleone, giving weight to the saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Yet, before he himself succumbs to the corruption of the mob, he states to a friend, "That's my family, Kay. That's not me." It's Don Corleone, his father, who sums up the mob's business philosophy, however, when he says, "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." In other words, an offer to obey, or suffer.
"The Princess Bride"

"The Princess Bride"

This fantasy romance with a nice helping of comedy, has been avidly quoted by fans since it came out in 1987. The quotables start with Westley's, "As you wish," which actually means, "I love you." Another is frequently uttered by Vizzini when he can't comprehend how amazing Westley is and continues to call it, "Inconceivable!" Yet the most remembered quote is given by swordsman Inigo Montoya who wants to avenge his father's death. When he finally meets the man who killed his father, he continues to repeat, "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die," until finally killing the villain.
"Pulp Fiction"

"Pulp Fiction"

Many of the lines in this quotable classic by Quentin Tarantino are actually nuggets of wisdom you can apply to your own life. There's Mia Wallace's take on individuality, "Besides, isn't it more exciting when you don't have permission?" Her crime-boss husband says, "Pride only hurts, it never helps," about the need to have a clear head in all things. The entire hamburger conversation, when Jules is letting Brett know who is in charge, is quotable, but his line when he takes a bite out of Brett's hamburger, though delivered in a friendly tone, has a strongly threatening undertone that says Jules can have anything he wants, including Brett's life. "Mmm-mmm. That is a tasty burger."
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

Not only single lines, but entire scenes from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" are quotable. These include the French soldier insulting King Arthur and his knights with the line, "I fart in your general direction," the black knight claiming that every loss of an appendage is "just a flesh wound," and "We are the knights who say ni!"
"Lord of the Rings"

"Lord of the Rings"

The films trilogy, "Lord of the Rings," has some beautiful quotes, many of which inspire hope beyond the stories. These include Galadriel's words to Frodo, "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future," or Samwise Gamgee's "There's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo ... and that's worth fighting for." Galdalf gets the award for wisdom with his words to Saruman, leader of his wizard order. "There is only one Lord of the Ring, only one who can bend it to his will. And he does not share power."


Although made in 1942, this iconic film has carried through the generations if not only by its memorable quotes. One of the famous lines is actually misquoted, 'play it again, sam' was not said in the film but actually "Play it once, Sam, for old times' sake; Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By'." Either way, there are many more quotes that have stood the test of time so "here's looking at you kid," "round up the usual suspects," " We'll always have Paris."
"Star Wars"

"Star Wars"

There's no denying, no memorable movie quotes list could be complete without listing the original 'Star Wars.' Even the most mundane lines were transformed into classics... "I have a bad feeling about this." George Lucas's, at times, stiff dialogue made for epic scenes and if the franchise continuing, there will sure to be more quotes to come. "May the Force be with you.